Subárea de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 (Inglés) - Quinto Grado
Carlos Mulul (discusión) 01:05 22 ago 2016 (MDT)
Description[editar | editar código]
Up to this point, each activity challenges students by capitalizing on what they know or have learned, and by encouraging them to stretch just a little beyond their current stage of language development. Encouragement and guidance for the students is an important factor in making the exercises doable and practical.
Components[editar | editar código]
Interpersonal Communication: Students’ speech production improves in both quantity and quality. Students speak and/or write in longer phrases and complete sentences and they use a wide range of general and technical vocabulary. Besides, learners speak and write in connected and unified paragraphs about most situations.
Interpretive Communication: Students communicate with gestures and actions. They build receptive vocabulary and refine their listening skills. During this phase, called the “silent period,” students try to make sense of what they hear, but they do not engage in language production. Even though they do not speak, language acquisition has begun.
Presentational Communication: Students speak and/or write using yes/no answers, one or two words, lists of words, or short phrases. They continue to expand their receptive vocabulary. Students engage in conversations and produce connected narratives orally and in writing.
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References[editar | editar código]
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