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Guías metodológicas para el docente de Ciclo Básico/Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero/Segundo Grado/Session 3
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Autor Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala
Área Comunicación y Lenguaje Idioma Extranjero
Nivel y/o grado Básico 2do grado
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Tipo de licencia Derechos reservados con copia libre
Formato HTML; PDF
Responsable de curación Editor
Última actualización 2020/09/11

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Suggested time
3 periods


Students must be able to read and write simple sentences using adjectives. Students use adverbs of frequency. Students will get familiar with world famous competitions.

Didactic resourcesEditar

  • Board
  • Dictionary
  • Notebooks
  • Word cards
  • YouTube

Session 3, Period 1Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

trabajo individual

Prior Knowledge activation: Direct students’ attention to different sports they have learned. Ask them to write a list in order of popularity.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Check answers with the class. Have students quickly state the sport they think is the most popular. Help them use the dictionary if necessary.

Write a model sentence on the board and have each student state what his or her opinion is.

Editor's note: make sure to clarify with students the difference between facts and opinions.[1]

Model the sentence for pronunciation. Help students with pronunciation of the name of sports.

“I think the most popular sport in the world is___________.”

Play “hot potato” with all the class. The student who gets the potato says the sentence.

Wrap upEditar

todo el grupo

Do a quick class survey to determine which sport they think is more popular in the world.

trabajo en casa

Ask students to create at home 5 word cards depicting a sport they think is popular in the world, and have them illustrate them. Each student must bring the cards to the class for the next period.

Session 3, Period 2Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

trabajo individual

Students show the word cards they've prepared with the sport they think is the most popular in the world. Do this in a quick fashion, as a review. Ask them to use complete sentences.

Model again if necessary.

“I think the most popular sport in the world is___________.”

Intermediate PhaseEditar

trabajo en parejas

Instruct students to get together with a partner and compare their word cards. Each pair should have 10 cards in total. Have them compare which are different and same.

Have the students write in their notebooks the list of sports they come up with in order of popularity.

Wrap upEditar

trabajo en tríos

Students should go over all the session, reviewing together the vocabulary, the pronunciation and the order of the sports, comparing their work with other groups.

Discuss the difference between “wikt:soccer” and “wikt:football” in English.

Session 3, Period 3Editar

Initial PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Pitch a ball or clean eraser to a student and have the student say: “I think the most popular sport in the world is____________.” He/she must throw the item to another student who will state which their own opinion.

trabajo en parejas

Write model sentences on the board. Model them for the students.

“I think the most popular sport in the world is____________________.”
“I think the second most popular sport in the world is______________.”
“I don’t think the most popular sport in the world is________________.”

Have students compare their lists of 5 most popular sports in the world and check the similarities and differences using the model sentences.

Intermediate PhaseEditar

todo el grupo

Watch two videos related to most popular sports in the world. Each student writes takes notes on his or her notebook.

Suggested videos:

Wrap upEditar

trabajo en parejas

Have students compare the two videos. Emphasize their similarities and differences. Have them compare each video with their own list of sports.


  1. You will find resources on this topic in this website (in Spanish).

Sistema social para expresar ideas y manifestarlas al prójimo. Este sistema existe dentro de un entorno social (sistema social) y un sistema lingüístico (ejemplos son el español, francés, k’iche’, kaqchikel, etc.) Tienen que existir ambos sistemas para que pueda existir la comunicación.