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Revisión actual del 18:23 13 may 2016

American English Videos/Grammar/9. Asking Yes/No Questions
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Autor American English at State
Área Comunicación y Lenguaje L 3, Inglés
Tipo de licencia Estándar de YouTube
Formato Vídeo
Responsable de curación Editor
Última actualización 2015/08/29

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This lesson is on asking with yes or no questions.

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Transcript[editar | editar código]

0:05 Hey, I'm Andy, and I teach English.
0:09 Today's lesson is on asking around with yes or no questions.
0:15 Do you see my lamp? Is it on?
0:21 Did you see my lamp? Was it over there?
0:27 Excuse me, miss. Have you seen my lamp?
0:33 Has anyone been in my house?
0:37 Officer, will I ever see my lamp again?
0:42 Will it be found?
0:46 Sir, are you looking for this lamp?
0:51 To ask a yes or no question with a regular verb,
0:56 write "do," "did," "have," or "will" plus a subject plus a verb.
1:08 For "to be," write a form of "to be" plus the subject.
1:15 For example, "I see your lamp" becomes "Do you see my lamp?"
1:23 And "This is my lamp" becomes "Is this your lamp?"
1:32 To answer the question "Do you see my lamp?"
1:36 You can say, "Yes, I see your lamp."
1:40 or "No, I do not see your lamp."
1:44 To answer, "Is it on?"
1:47 You can say, "Yes, your lamp is on."
1:52 or "No, your lamp is not on. It's off."
1:58 All right, your turn.
2:01 Make the sentences into questions.
2:04 Click pause.
2:23 Now, you can ask and answer questions.
2:29 Next time, we will learn about irregular verbs.
2:34 This is American English and thanks for watching.

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