Área de Comunicación y Lenguaje - Idioma Extranjero Inglés

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Línea 131: Línea 131:
|1. Understands basic sentences in simple and compound tenses.
|1. Understands basic sentences in simple and compound tenses.
|1.1. Responds to sequence main ideas or events given at classroom.  
|1.2. Deduces the meaning of basic conversations of known topics.
|1.1.1. A folk tale: Surprise expressions.
|1.2.2. Natural disasters: Adjectives to describe feelings related to memory.
1.1.2. Word formation for a sentence.
1.2.3. Lifestyles: modal auxiliaries.
|1. Uses surprise expressions in response to events given in the classroom.
|1. Explains the meaning of conversations about natural disasters.
2. Uses word formation when responding to a sequence of main ideas
2. Explains the meaning of conversations about lifestyles, using modal auxiliaries.
|Use of surprise expresions in a folk tale
|Conversation about natural disasters
Use of word formation
Conversation about lifestyles using modal auxiliaries
|2. Expresses ideas and opinions orally, related to relevant topics through simple sentences.
|2. Expresses ideas and opinions orally, related to relevant topics through simple sentences.
|2.1. Makes oral presentations about familiar topics and personal experiences.
|2.2. Asks and answers basic questions about different topics using compound tenses.
|2.1.1. Study and work: obligation, connections, simple and compound sentences.
|2.2.1. Prices: usage of how much and past perfect tense.
2.1.3. Likes and dislikes: like, prefer, rather.
2.2.2. Dialogues: short answers to questions.
|1. Gives speeches using connections and simple compound sentences.
|1. Makes questions to ask about prices using how much and the past perfect tense.
2. Tells his friends about his likes and dislikes.
2. Responds to questions in different dialogues.
|Writing a speech using connections and simple compound sentences
|Questions about prices using «how much» and the past perfect tense
Description of my likes and dislikes
Dialogues with short answers
|3. Reads very basic texts concerning to his immediate environment and background.
|3. Reads very basic texts concerning to his immediate environment and background.
|3.1. Finds specific information in short and everyday readings.
|3.2. Makes inferences about the meaning of very basic texts.
|3.1.1. Sport descriptions for playing or for practicing a hobby.
|3.2.7. Understands the order of events in a narrative story.
3.1.2. Order of events in a story: connectors.
3.2.9. Recognize the meaning of the message in a written story
|1. Describes the main ideas of a reading.
|1. Describes the order of events and meaning of different parts of a story.
2. Explains the use of connectors when reads the events in a story.
2. Identify new words and their meaning within a written story
|Description of a sport
|Description of the order of events within a story
Reading a story about our culture
Recognition of the main message of a story
|4. Produces simple narrations in a written form with an appropriate grammatical structure and accurate spelling on a variety of topics.
|4. Produces simple narrations in a written form with an appropriate grammatical structure and accurate spelling on a variety of topics.
|4.1. Writes narrations about different topics of his context.
|4.2. Applies different grammar rules in his writings.
|4.1.1. Written narration: true sentences (Topic Family and relationship).
|4.2.4. Plans for the near future: review of tenses.
4.1.3. Narration or description of his accomplishments: present perfect tense.
4.2.5. Narration/travel article about an imaginary trip.
|1. Writes correctly an anecdote about his family or relationships.
|1. Writes a short article about his/her plans for the near future applying different grammar rules.
2. Writes properly a narration of his accomplishments using present perfect tense.
2. Writes a travel article of an imaginary trip in Guatemala applying different grammar rules.
|Narration of an anecdote about my family
|Description of a plan for the near future (future tense)
Description of my accomplishments
Redaction of an imaginary trip in Guatemala (grammar rules)

Revisión del 18:29 24 jun 2022

Unidad 1

Competencias Indicadores de logro Contenidos orientados a actividades de aprendizaje Criterios de evaluación Dosificación (Secuencia de aprendizajes) Cantidad de sesiones por aprendizaje
1. Understands simple phrases and specific range of vocabulary concerning to known topics in short dialogues and oral sentences. 1.3. Understands sentences about known topics. 1.3.1. Daily routines: verbs and collocations. 1. Uses verbs and collocations when describes daily routines. Daily routines description using verbs and collocations 1
1.3.4. Life experiences: present continuous tense. 2. Shares life experiences using continuous tense with his classmates. Life experiences narration using the present continuous tense 1
2. Communicates ideas using familiar phrases, everyday expressions and structured ideas by means of speeches. 2.3 Builds short speeches about his context or basic topics. 2.3.1. Life and own experiences: past tense review. 1. Shares life experiences using past tense with his classmates. Life experiences narration using the past tense 1
2.3.2. Description of how to prepare a family dish: sentences. 2. Gives a speech about how to prepare a family dish.

3. Describes how to prepare simple cooking recipes.

Description of how to prepare a family dish 1
3. Reads simple sentences in a given text about his daily life matters. 3.3. Explains by different ways the meaning of very simple sentences. 3.3.1. Gestures and mimics. 1. Makes the appropriate gestures and mimics for very simple sentences. Description of meaning of gestures and mimics 1
3.3.2. Board stories. 2. Illustrates correctly the meaning of very simple sentences in board stories. Illustration of the meaning of sentences in board stories 1
4. Writes simple sentences and descriptions of his environment by using basic terms. 4.3. Creates different kind of descriptions using basic terms. 4.3.1. Description of a routine or a job description. 1. Describes a routine or an imaginary job. Description of a job 1
4.3.2. Description of a sport or hobby including its rules. 2. Creates rules for a sport. Description of a sport or a hobby 1

Unidad 2

Competencias Indicadores de logro Contenidos orientados a actividades de aprendizaje Criterios de evaluación Dosificación (Secuencia de aprendizajes) Cantidad de sesiones por aprendizaje
1. Understands basic sentences in simple and compound tenses. 1.1. Responds to sequence main ideas or events given at classroom. 1.1.1. A folk tale: Surprise expressions.

1.1.2. Word formation for a sentence.

1. Uses surprise expressions in response to events given in the classroom.

2. Uses word formation when responding to a sequence of main ideas.

Use of surprise expresions in a folk tale

Use of word formation

2. Expresses ideas and opinions orally, related to relevant topics through simple sentences. 2.1. Makes oral presentations about familiar topics and personal experiences. 2.1.1. Study and work: obligation, connections, simple and compound sentences.

2.1.3. Likes and dislikes: like, prefer, rather.

1. Gives speeches using connections and simple compound sentences.

2. Tells his friends about his likes and dislikes.

Writing a speech using connections and simple compound sentences

Description of my likes and dislikes

3. Reads very basic texts concerning to his immediate environment and background. 3.1. Finds specific information in short and everyday readings. 3.1.1. Sport descriptions for playing or for practicing a hobby.

3.1.2. Order of events in a story: connectors.

1. Describes the main ideas of a reading.

2. Explains the use of connectors when reads the events in a story.

Description of a sport

Reading a story about our culture

4. Produces simple narrations in a written form with an appropriate grammatical structure and accurate spelling on a variety of topics. 4.1. Writes narrations about different topics of his context. 4.1.1. Written narration: true sentences (Topic Family and relationship).

4.1.3. Narration or description of his accomplishments: present perfect tense.

1. Writes correctly an anecdote about his family or relationships.

2. Writes properly a narration of his accomplishments using present perfect tense.

Narration of an anecdote about my family

Description of my accomplishments


Unidad 3

Competencias Indicadores de logro Contenidos orientados a actividades de aprendizaje Criterios de evaluación Dosificación (Secuencia de aprendizajes) Cantidad de sesiones por aprendizaje
1. Understands basic sentences in simple and compound tenses. 1.2. Deduces the meaning of basic conversations of known topics. 1.2.2. Natural disasters: Adjectives to describe feelings related to memory.

1.2.3. Lifestyles: modal auxiliaries.

1. Explains the meaning of conversations about natural disasters.

2. Explains the meaning of conversations about lifestyles, using modal auxiliaries.

Conversation about natural disasters

Conversation about lifestyles using modal auxiliaries

2. Expresses ideas and opinions orally, related to relevant topics through simple sentences. 2.2. Asks and answers basic questions about different topics using compound tenses. 2.2.1. Prices: usage of how much and past perfect tense.

2.2.2. Dialogues: short answers to questions.

1. Makes questions to ask about prices using how much and the past perfect tense.

2. Responds to questions in different dialogues.

Questions about prices using «how much» and the past perfect tense

Dialogues with short answers

3. Reads very basic texts concerning to his immediate environment and background. 3.2. Makes inferences about the meaning of very basic texts. 3.2.7. Understands the order of events in a narrative story.

3.2.9. Recognize the meaning of the message in a written story

1. Describes the order of events and meaning of different parts of a story.

2. Identify new words and their meaning within a written story

Description of the order of events within a story

Recognition of the main message of a story

4. Produces simple narrations in a written form with an appropriate grammatical structure and accurate spelling on a variety of topics. 4.2. Applies different grammar rules in his writings. 4.2.4. Plans for the near future: review of tenses.

4.2.5. Narration/travel article about an imaginary trip.

1. Writes a short article about his/her plans for the near future applying different grammar rules.

2. Writes a travel article of an imaginary trip in Guatemala applying different grammar rules.

Description of a plan for the near future (future tense)

Redaction of an imaginary trip in Guatemala (grammar rules)


Unidad 4